Source code for pupil_labs.realtime_api.device

import asyncio
import inspect
import json
import logging
import types
import typing as T

import aiohttp
import numpy as np
import websockets

import pupil_labs  # noqa: F401

from .base import DeviceBase
from .models import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

UpdateCallbackSync = T.Callable[["pupil_labs.realtime_api.models.Component"], None]
"""Type annotation for synchronous update callbacks"""

UpdateCallbackAsync = T.Callable[
    ["pupil_labs.realtime_api.models.Component"], T.Awaitable[None]
"""Type annotation for asynchronous update callbacks"""

UpdateCallback = T.Union[UpdateCallbackSync, UpdateCallbackAsync]
"""Type annotation for synchronous and asynchronous callbacks"""

[docs] class DeviceError(Exception): pass
[docs] class Device(DeviceBase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._create_client_session()
[docs] async def get_status(self) -> Status: """ :raises pupil_labs.realtime_api.device.DeviceError: if the request fails """ async with self.session.get(self.api_url(APIPath.STATUS)) as response: confirmation = await response.json() if response.status != 200: raise DeviceError(response.status, confirmation["message"]) result = confirmation["result"] logger.debug(f"[{self}.get_status] Received status: {result}") return Status.from_dict(result)
[docs] async def status_updates(self) -> T.AsyncIterator[Component]: # Auto-reconnect, see # websocket_status_endpoint = self.api_url(APIPath.STATUS, protocol="ws") async for websocket in websockets.connect(websocket_status_endpoint): try: async for message_raw in websocket: message_json = json.loads(message_raw) try: component = parse_component(message_json) except UnknownComponentError: logger.warning(f"Dropping unknown component: {component}") continue yield component except websockets.ConnectionClosed: logger.debug("Websocket connection closed. Reconnecting...") continue except asyncio.CancelledError: logger.debug("status_updates() cancelled") break
[docs] async def recording_start(self) -> str: """ :raises pupil_labs.realtime_api.device.DeviceError: if the recording could not be started. Possible reasons include - Recording already running - Template has required fields - Low battery - Low storage - No wearer selected - No workspace selected - Setup bottom sheets not completed """ async with as response: confirmation = await response.json() logger.debug(f"[{self}.start_recording] Received response: {confirmation}") if response.status != 200: raise DeviceError(response.status, confirmation["message"]) return confirmation["result"]["id"]
[docs] async def recording_stop_and_save(self): """ :raises pupil_labs.realtime_api.device.DeviceError: if the recording could not be started Possible reasons include - Recording not running - template has required fields """ async with self.api_url(APIPath.RECORDING_STOP_AND_SAVE) ) as response: confirmation = await response.json() logger.debug(f"[{self}.stop_recording] Received response: {confirmation}") if response.status != 200: raise DeviceError(response.status, confirmation["message"])
[docs] async def recording_cancel(self): """ :raises pupil_labs.realtime_api.device.DeviceError: if the recording could not be started Possible reasons include - Recording not running """ async with self.api_url(APIPath.RECORDING_CANCEL) ) as response: confirmation = await response.json() logger.debug(f"[{self}.stop_recording] Received response: {confirmation}") if response.status != 200: raise DeviceError(response.status, confirmation["message"])
[docs] async def send_event( self, event_name: str, event_timestamp_unix_ns: T.Optional[int] = None ) -> Event: """ :raises pupil_labs.realtime_api.device.DeviceError: if sending the event fails """ event: T.Dict[str, T.Any] = {"name": event_name} if event_timestamp_unix_ns is not None: event["timestamp"] = event_timestamp_unix_ns async with self.api_url(APIPath.EVENT), json=event ) as response: confirmation = await response.json() logger.debug(f"[{self}.send_event] Received response: {confirmation}") if response.status != 200: raise DeviceError(response.status, confirmation["message"]) return Event.from_dict(confirmation["result"])
[docs] async def close(self): await self.session.close() self.session = None
async def __aenter__(self) -> "Device": if self.session is None: self._create_client_session() return self async def __aexit__( self, exc_type: T.Optional[T.Type[BaseException]], exc_val: T.Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: T.Optional[types.TracebackType], ) -> None: await self.close() def _create_client_session(self): self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession()
[docs] async def get_calibration(self) -> np.ndarray: """ :raises pupil_labs.realtime_api.device.DeviceError: if the request fails """ async with self.session.get(self.api_url(APIPath.CALIBRATION)) as response: if response.status != 200: raise DeviceError(response.status, "Failed to fetch calibration") raw_data = await return np.frombuffer( raw_data, np.dtype( [ ("version", "u1"), ("serial", "6a"), ("scene_camera_matrix", "(3,3)d"), ("scene_distortion_coefficients", "8d"), ("scene_extrinsics_affine_matrix", "(4,4)d"), ("right_camera_matrix", "(3,3)d"), ("right_distortion_coefficients", "8d"), ("right_extrinsics_affine_matrix", "(4,4)d"), ("left_camera_matrix", "(3,3)d"), ("left_distortion_coefficients", "8d"), ("left_extrinsics_affine_matrix", "(4,4)d"), ("crc", "u4"), ] ), )
[docs] class StatusUpdateNotifier: def __init__(self, device: Device, callbacks: T.List[UpdateCallback]) -> None: self._auto_update_task: T.Optional[asyncio.Task] = None self._device = device self._callbacks = callbacks
[docs] async def receive_updates_start(self) -> None: if self._auto_update_task is not None: logger.debug("Auto-update already started!") return self._auto_update_task = asyncio.create_task(self._auto_update())
[docs] async def receive_updates_stop(self): if self._auto_update_task is None: logger.debug("Auto-update is not running!") return self._auto_update_task.cancel() try: # wait for the task to be cancelled await self._auto_update_task except asyncio.CancelledError: pass # task has been successfully cancelled self._auto_update_task = None
async def __aenter__(self): await self.receive_updates_start() async def __aexit__( self, exc_type: T.Optional[T.Type[BaseException]], exc_val: T.Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: T.Optional[types.TracebackType], ): await self.receive_updates_stop() async def _auto_update(self) -> None: async for changed in self._device.status_updates(): for callback in self._callbacks: result = callback(changed) if inspect.isawaitable(result): await result